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Available Tools

Agent's capability to perform various specialized tasks is expanding through the acquisition of skills in operating different software tools. Developers can create specialized AI systems by designing tools tailored to their applications.

This proficiency forms the foundation of the current approach for LLM-based Agents, employing Tools as actions. However, due to the limited long-term planning capabilities of LLMs, an Agent can only interact with a restricted set of tools.

HybridAGI transforms this limitation by providing robust long-term planning capabilities, thanks to its symbolic components. It remains agnostic to the number of tools used, as the prompts required to infer the inputs are provided at each step by the interpreter.

Here is a list of the native Tools we designed for HybridAGI

WriteFileWrite into a file, or override if existing
AppendFileAppend data to a file, or create one if non-existing
ReadFileRead data chunk by chunk (use multiple times to scroll)
InternalShellReplicate unix commands to navigate inside the documents store: [cd, ls, mkdir, mv, pwd, rm, tree]
CodeInterpreterAllow execution of Python code inside a Jupyter notebook
UploadArchive and upload the target folder or file to the User
DocumentSearchPerform a similarity based search in the filesystem and fetch the passages
ReadProgramRead a program based on its name
ProgramSearchPerform a similarity based search into the program memory
PastActionSearchPerform a similarity based search into the trace memory
WriteProgramLoad a program, override if existing
CallProgramCall a program based on its name
UpdateObjectiveUpdate the long-term objective
PredictPopulate the prompt with intermediary data for reasoning
RevertTraceRemove from the trace the N last steps
ClearTraceClear the trace from the prompt
AskUserAsk a question to the user
SpeakTell something to the User
DuckDuckGoSearchPerform a DuckDuckGo search
BrowseWebsiteScrap a website and read it (use multiple times to scroll)

We are expanding this list, so feel free to suggest us more tools to add.